Bartlett is the latest town considering regulating short term rentals. Below is a copy of the proposed amendment to Bartlett's zoning ordinance:
SHORT-TERM RENTAL: A dwelling where transient lodging is provided for compensation for stays of between one and thirty consecutive days and where the dwelling would normally be considered a residential living unit not associated with regulated commercial activities such as hotels, motels, etc.
A conditional-use permit to operate a short-term rental must be obtained from the selectmen’s office using the prescribed form and after paying the required application fee. The permit is owner-specific, and a change in ownership, density, or number of bedrooms will require a new application. The owner will submit a copy of the permit to the selectmen’s office and post it in a prominent location in the rental unit.
Signing a conditional-use permit will indicate that the owner is aware of and will adhere to the NFPA health and safety requirements listed on the permit. Failure to comply with the safety conditions can result in revocation of the permit for a period of one year. A new permit can be applied for after that time. A 30-day grace period will be allowed to correct any violations prior to revocation of the permit.
Short-term rental occupancy is based on the number of approved bedrooms listed on a town- issued building permit or as listed on a state-approved septic plan. A limit of two (2) people per approved bedroom, plus two (2) additional people will be allowed. For example, eight (8) people would be permitted to occupy an approved three-bedroom dwelling. A short-term rental will not be listed or advertised as offering sleeping accommodation that exceeds the above-mentioned limits.
Adequate on-site parking will be provided for all guest vehicles. On-street parking will not be allowed.
A short-term rental does not include boarding houses, inns, and bed & breakfast establishments which are required to be owner-occupied or manager-occupied by Bartlett’s zoning ordinance.
Accessory dwelling units (ADUs) will not be used as a short-term rental as approval of ADUs is based on decreased septic capacity.
The short-term rental use of a condominium unit may require the assent of the condominium association.
A dwelling or dwelling unit used as a short-term rental will at all times be covered by a short- term rental insurance policy.
The owner of a dwelling or dwelling unit used as a short-term rental shall register for the State rooms and meals tax and will pay all required taxes, unless the owner uses a rental platform that pays and forwards the taxes to the state of New Hampshire.